Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Kenaikkan barang turut disebabkan peningkatan taraf hidup

Kalau anda nak marah, marahlah. Tetapi ini realiti yang perlu dihadapai.

Menukar kerajaan tidak semestinya membantu kerana pembangkang tidak tahu mengawal dan mereka bersekongkol dengan kegiatan penjenayah yang merosakkan kewangan negara melalu kegiatan penyeludupan, judi haram, dan maksiat.

Program kebajikan rakyat mereka hanya wayang kerana ianya hanya bila nak hampir pilihanraya dan disebalik program itu adalah cara untuk kumpu dana pilihanraya secara haram dengan menyeleweng dana.

Tambah lagi, mereka yang penyumbang kepada kenaikkan harga:
In fact, since 2008 Pakatan State Governments have raised prices of licenses, parking rates and business permits (Penang and Selangor), water charges in Penang 4 times.

On top of that Penang also increased assessment rates, doubled the rental rates of stalls and doubled the water extraction rates - all of which causes costs to individuals and businesses which also increases inflation.
Penyumbang utama kepada struktur kenaikkan harga barang yang ramai sudah lupa adalah pengswastaan Mahathir yang menyebabkan kos pengangkutan naik disebabkan toll highway dan harga tenaga naik disebabkan IPP. 

Kenaikkan harga barang adalah realiti yang kita di Malaysia dilindungi terlalu lama hingga tidak termampu lagi dilakukan.

Kita perlu bezakan antara kenaikkan harga barang dan kenaikkan taraf kehidupan:
Show me one country that does not have any increase in house or food prices in the past 20 years. We move there together. 
We should not confuse the cost of living with the standard of living. Just blindly reducing the cost of living is going against world-wide trends and going against history.

That is why DAP and Pakatan's promises are lies... 
A Malaysian perception: Cost of Living vs Standard of Living and affordability
Anda susah nak terima tetapi ia tidak seteruk:

The opposition always tries to paint BN as Barang Naik and say BN is the main culprit that causes inflation. 
It is as if inflation does not happen in any other country - far from the truth. 
Here is a table based on The Economist's famous Big Mac Index historical prices for a Big Mac. 

Some will say that we do not eat Big Mac everyday and it does not represent real life but due to so many differing factors - quality, location, brans - among other foods, this is the closest that you can get to compare food prices and hence, food price inflation, whether locally or among countries. 
In this table, Malaysia has experienced the second lowest food price inflation and only lags behind Japan which has been grappling with serious deflation for some time. 
The price of a Big Mac in Malaysia has increased 30.37% since 8 years ago in 2009. 
This is not bad considering that Economic Planning Unit (EPU) data, shows that the median monthly gross household income for all Malaysians has grown to RM4,585 in 2014 from RM2,830 in 2009 - an increase of RM1,755 or a 62% growth within five years - which surpasses the increase in Big Mac prices. 
The fact of life is that prices will always increase - even dating back to thousands of years. You would also not be happy if your Salary had not increased since 2009 and the house that you bought for RM200k in 2009 still remains valued at RM200k in 2017. 
What matters most is if your household income or salary increases faster than the price of food. which is exactly what has happened in Malaysia since 2009. 
Note: For your comparison purposes, I have also included pricing for selected countries for 1986 - the first year that the Big Mac index started. Unfortunately, Malaysia was not listed then even though the first McDonalds opened in Malaysia in May 1982. 
Pakatan's propaganda makes it seems that only they can stop pricing from increasing but the reality is that they keep increasing prices too -their own ADUN and EXCO salaries, which would be a cost to the rakyat, water rates four times since 2008, assessment rates and fines. 
Or perhaps Pakatan wants to make us into a communist country if they win, abandon the free market and control the price of everything in Malaysia? 
If not, it is better for them to export their "expertise" to control prices to the other countries in the world on this table as they need Pakatan more than us when it comes to inflation. 
Full Dataset here:

Yang penting kita kena berusaha dan mengawal diri ... taklah asyik mengharap pada kerajaan saja. Kita yang nak hadapi!

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