Monday 31 October 2016

Perjuangan Mahathir jauh tersasar, Kini penjahanam bangsa, negara!

Pastinya Pro-toon pemakan det-dak akan melenting dan mengeluarkan kata kesat, fitnah dan label melabbel dengan posting ini

Terimalah hakikat bahawa Mahathir yang hipokrit sebenar.

Dia hanya manipulasikan isu 1MDB tapi tiada bukti untuk salahkan kepada Najib. Banyak lagi rahsia yang Najib belum keluarkan. Tunggulah masa yang sesuai. Itu yang dia gelabah untuk pastikan Najib dijatuhkan.

Nak pertahankan legasi yang gagal Nak jaga kepentingan kroni. Serta nak panjangkan dinasti.

Itu saja sudah tersasar perjuangan.

Kini dia sekongkol dengan DAP untuk pecahbelahkan Melayu:

Mengapa segalanya berkisar kepada bangsa Melayu sehinggakan kepada perobohan rumah di Pulau Pinang milik orang Melayu. Tidak ada satu pun kah rumah setinggan milik  kaum Cina di Pulau Pinang? Buka mata seluasnya apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh DAP.
Agenda Bersih 5.0 Terbongkar – DAP Mahu  Melayu Bertempur Sesama Melayu

Tambah lagi, dia kini bersekongkol dengan Bersih 5 yang dibiayai George Soros yang selama banyak tahun cuba untuk jatuhkan Malaysia untuk membalas dndam terhadap Mahathir:

Ini dosa Mahathir terbesar bersekongkol dengan musuh:

A few months back, there was a leak of internal documents from George Soros's Open Society Foundation in the website called DC Leaks.
Much references to Malaysia are in these documents. This particular document caught my eye as this review of George Soros activities towards "free and fair" elections in Malaysia confirms funding by George Soros to BERSIH, Merdeka Center and MalaysiaKini.

The document also says George Soros has a personal interest in Malaysia while it suggest that they want opposition to win but do no want to be too blatant to show that.

It says that the OSF started working on the General Elections in 2010 in anticipation that the elections would be announced in 2011, two years after Prime Minister Najib replaced Ahmad Badawi. 

Consistent with the expose of George Soros actively lobbying the USA politicians to remove Najib, it seems that these people have been working on trying to "change" Malaysia for quite some time with a deliberate plan and funding.

George Soros is known to be involved in pretty much any revolution or coup around the world as well as heavily influencing politics. But these leaks provide direct evidence and show how deep and serious his involvement is. 

There’s a lot of cash involved. The guy is literally pouring money into all these NGOs by either financing them directly or sponsoring their projects (which always have clearly defined goals).
I really wonder why a hedge fund guy would be so interested in our "little Malaysia"?

OSF themselves admitted that OSF’s support for the grantees was INSTRUMENTAL for the galvanizing of public participation and supporting civil society efforts and that OSF support was particularly impactful for youth participation with hundreds of thousands of youth mobilized.

So, OSF themselves confirmed what we had all long-supported: That George Soros is behind BERSIH rallies.

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